Maharashtra BJP protests state Government Inertia in atrocities on women

By Dominick Rodrigues

Mumbai, Oct 12:  The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) today launched a Statewide agitation in Maharashtra in protest against increasing +violence+ on women. The BJP Maharashtra president, Chandrakantdada Patil warned that, with cases of such atrocities +increasing day by day+, the Shiv Sena/Congress/NCP alliance government would not be allowed to remain inert on this issue.

Spearheading the Maharashtra-wide protest from Pune, Patil lashed out at the Maharashtra Government for being +insensitive+ to womens’ security. “Violence against women has begun since this Alliance government came to power in Maharashtra  and even youth including teenagers are not spared in such horrible incidents,” he said while describing the Maharashtra Government as being +indifferent+ and taking no action in these incidents.

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“The Maharashtra BJP has organized these protests statewide to jolt the State Government inertia and our workers will not rest until the Government takes stringent action against the culprits,” Patil said, while a BJP Mahila Morcha activist lamented that +atrocities+ were allegedly being committed on women even in Covid-19 treatment hospitals.

The protestors also included prominent State BJP officebearers like Ashish Shelar (former BJP Mumbai President), Mangalprabhat Lodha (MLA) and former BJP Maharashtra minister Girish Mahajan, among others.

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